artist impression
Seeing how we were going to move to our new place, and feeling a tad wee bored at home one night, I decided to take on the role of an interior designer.
This was the result...

In case you can't make out the artistic doodles, it's actually my concept of the living room, helicopter view.
As you can probably tell by now, there was a reason why I didn't attempt to make interior designing a career. Anyway, I showed this masterpiece to the other half who laughed his head off, choked down his guffaws and asked me to explain the concept to him. I must say I admire his ability to be serious (ok, it was an attempt) and encouraging, while laughing, all at the same time.
It's not easy, you know.
This was the result...

In case you can't make out the artistic doodles, it's actually my concept of the living room, helicopter view.
As you can probably tell by now, there was a reason why I didn't attempt to make interior designing a career. Anyway, I showed this masterpiece to the other half who laughed his head off, choked down his guffaws and asked me to explain the concept to him. I must say I admire his ability to be serious (ok, it was an attempt) and encouraging, while laughing, all at the same time.
It's not easy, you know.
it's artistic!! but i guess you do need to explain a little. but hey, if you're left to do the decor, then you won't have to explain the picture. just get the furniture,move it in and surprise the man!!
and if he wants changes, he can shift it all around himself. muahahahaha.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:35 pm
Yeah... artistic is how I like to see it. Creative license. I need to get it past him cuz he to know where his money is going. Haha.
Renovating is a totally new ball game, and does not involve just the 2 of us.
Will blog about it when I have the time.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:42 pm