Wednesday, November 09, 2005 

blog whore

Ok. I admit it. I'm a blog whore. It sounds nasty but I spent countless nights looking up the thesarus but there's no better word to describe it.

I must have at least 5 blogs but everytime I come across a new platform with seemingly nicer colours or one that espouse its wonderful features, my fingers will automatically click on the "sign up" button. It happens time after time and I've come to a conclusion.

I think I'm blog-commitmentphobic.

This is my new blog on wordpress -

See ya there.

Monday, October 31, 2005 


I really hate pop-ups. Especially when they involve pornographic materials.

My browser doesn't seem to be able to block some pop-ups and it's driving me nuts. Last thing I want is to be accused of surfing porn during work. Arrgh.

I was so happy when I came across a website that finally didn't have pornographic materials at the sidebar but to my annoyance, when I click to download, a full page of pornographic stuff appeared in front of me!

Why? Why?


mystery of the retching lady

I've decided to be Sherlock Holmes.

There's a lady who always seems to be retching in the ladies and I cannot figure out who can that be. I am half-tempted to just knock on the door and ask if she needs help but for now, I will just try and find out who she is.

Friday, October 21, 2005 

you must be joking

Last year, I chickened out of the Stand Chart 10km run but it's back to haunt me.

My colleague emailed me and asked if I would like to fulfil my obligation by replacing someone for the run this year.

I, who have perfect understanding and knowledge of my physical strength, told him he must be joking. There's not enough time for me to train even if I really wanted to.

His reply was hilarious.

"It's in Dec lah... still got 1.5 months more to train... dun find any more excuses..."

It's 10km! Not 5km... How am I going to train for 10km in 1.5 months?

Deciding to spread the incredulous joy, I shared this with my colleague who laughed and just said, "Are you sure he got the right [insert my name]?"

I think I made my point.

Oh, and I was having a packet of Hello Panda at that particular point of time.


thought of the day



Thursday, October 20, 2005 

fighting over the same person

Will you ever get together with the partner of a friend?

I don't think I ever will. It's something that I've already figured out and convinced myself when I was in my teens. I thought and still think that it's silly for good friends to fight over someone who may or may not be a certainty in your life. At the end of the day, good friends are hard to find while you might still be able to find another partner. Even going out with ex-partners of friends are a 'no-no' to me. Unless your friend is absolutely truly ok with it. Otherwise, it just leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

It set me thinking if I've ever done something like that. And unfortunately, yes, I think I did.

My good friend had a crush on a classmate. I didn't think he was that cute but a lot of girls had a thing for him. I don't know why but one day, he suddenly asked me to be with him. I also don't know why but I agreed. Ok, maybe he was rather cute afterall. It was only on hindsight that I realised I might not have done the right thing. Fortunately my magnanimous friend didn't hold that against me.

I've seen how good friends can fight and fall out over a person and it's terribly sad when it happens. It's worst when the relationship doesn't work out and you lost on both sides.

If you were the person whom they were fighting over, what would you do?

I think I would walk away.

But I'm glad I no longer have to worry about these anymore.


it's cheap as it is

During lunch, I bought a fragrant pear and when I asked the uncle if he could help me cut it in half so it's easier for me to eat, he said "Cannot. It's already cheap enough."


I no understand.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 


After all the talk and failed attempt the last time, I finally did it.

I cut my hair.


The last experience was terrible. I went to a pretty upmarket salon (ok, in my opinion) but the stylist didn't want to cut it too short for me. He said it shouldn't be too shocking. Sigh, if I just wanted a trim, I can very well go QB House can't I? So I went home, a dejected figure with a similar but slightly shorter hairstyle.

So this time I learnt my lesson. I decide to keep everything low-key so that if it looks the same, no one would be wiser. It was exciting for the day to arrive. When I reached the salon, I told the stylist I wanted something short and easy to manage and PRESTO! New hairstyle. I felt pretty bad keeping the stylist back cuz I was the last customer and everyone was leaving, but he was nonchalent about the whole thing. I think he did a pretty good job so if anyone is interested, you can look for Alston Ng @ Le Salon.

General consensus so far is pretty ok. Most think it's refreshing but I had a friend who bemoaned "why?" and a grandaunt who said she don't want to look at me now.

But I'm happy although I think it will grow out pretty fast.

I'll think of what to do then.

Oh, best part of it? It was free.



Timely reminder...

If we really believed that eternity waited for us on the other side of this brief life...

We would fear less and risk more.
We would live our lives more like pilgrims and less like packrats.
We would be more concerned with being a friend, than being without friends.
We would pray more and process less.
We would be more sensitive to souls and less impatient with personalities.
We would expend more energy worshipping and less worrying.
The world would see God more.
We would see ourselves less.

Monday, October 17, 2005 


Her confession totally caught him off guard. Sure, he had thought she might be the possible one but to hear it from her... What should he do now? A part of him yearns to hold her and protect her, but yet another practical side of him had questions that are impossible to answer.

Darn. He hated it when he's so practical.

Why can't he be like others, and simply throw caution into the wind? Carpe diem, they always say.

Despite all the questions building in his heart and mind, he told her the answer she wasn't looking for. He thought it'll be better if he lets her go while he sorts out his own thoughts and emotions.

Didn't they always say if she's yours, she'll return?

Didn't they also say it's more important to see your loved one happy, even though she's not with you?

He told her under a facade of concern that the other guy was better for her. But he didn't and couldn't anticipate how much it would hurt to see her with him. The mask of false bravado and indifference that has served him well for the past few years had failed him now.

Why is it too late now?

Friday, October 14, 2005 


I'm so blessed by the people around me.

I started the week with a pear drink and am ending the week now with a Crystal Jade Bakery bun from neishus.

Hiak hiak.

So happy.