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Wednesday, October 19, 2005


After all the talk and failed attempt the last time, I finally did it.

I cut my hair.


The last experience was terrible. I went to a pretty upmarket salon (ok, in my opinion) but the stylist didn't want to cut it too short for me. He said it shouldn't be too shocking. Sigh, if I just wanted a trim, I can very well go QB House can't I? So I went home, a dejected figure with a similar but slightly shorter hairstyle.

So this time I learnt my lesson. I decide to keep everything low-key so that if it looks the same, no one would be wiser. It was exciting for the day to arrive. When I reached the salon, I told the stylist I wanted something short and easy to manage and PRESTO! New hairstyle. I felt pretty bad keeping the stylist back cuz I was the last customer and everyone was leaving, but he was nonchalent about the whole thing. I think he did a pretty good job so if anyone is interested, you can look for Alston Ng @ Le Salon.

General consensus so far is pretty ok. Most think it's refreshing but I had a friend who bemoaned "why?" and a grandaunt who said she don't want to look at me now.

But I'm happy although I think it will grow out pretty fast.

I'll think of what to do then.

Oh, best part of it? It was free.

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FREE haircut? why? how?
but i like the new look :)

It was a voucher in last month's Women Weekly. Hehe.

It looked somewhat similar to what I had in the past but I realised similar hairstyles in different stage of your life looks different.

I like it too but fear I'll tire of it soon. =p

You look completely different. Quite refreshing, but now we're no longer twins =p

Post photos please!

The important thing is that you're happy with it. For me, cutting my hair short was one of the better things I did this year. ;)

yflyn: Hehe, can't figure where to post photos for friends yet so will email you pict of my new haircut first. =)

actually it's a bit like the old ones I had...

I want a pic too...although a dinner this week "live, 3D" pic would be preferred

i want a pic too....however a "live, 3D" pic w dinner this week would be better

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