my fishies...

In the morning, I'll tap my fingers on the fish tank to let them know I'm going to feed them.
They'll all start getting excited and swim around their corner (where we always feed them).
When I bring the container over the top, they know and will look up at me.
And open their mouths.
It's so cute.
(That's my fave fishie - a kissing gurami)
That's a nice pic! :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:06 am
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:17 am
it's such a pretty fish!! freshwater?
*totally blur about fish*
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:05 pm
yeah. freshwater... marine fish are nice too but the initial period is much more difficult to maintain.
actually me know very little about fishies too. they're just quite funny to watch sometimes.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:42 am