measuring tape
The Chinese characters in black are basically bad stuff like lose moolah blah blah. The red characters are along the line of prosperous blah blah.
The question is, what is it for? Anyone knows? Please enlighten me.
Does it mean if I buy something that's only 5", misfortunate will fall upon me? Or that if it's 8", great balls of moolah will drop in my lap?
Oooo...i never noticed this before! I wanna know why too!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:59 pm
Hi there,
Do you believe in Geomancy? I was directly to your blog automatically when I switched on my PC and guess what, you had a question just for me!
Anyway, this is a common measuring tape used in our practice - Geomancy, as a simple tool to quickly gauge the level of positive or negative energies associated with any distance. Its interesting this geomantric measurement system can be used together with common household measuring tape. But of course, the intepretation is not as straightforward as the characters shown. If you are interested, pls give me a call 96884814 for a no obligation chat or visit my website for more information on geomancy. Thanks
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:05 am's a geomancy tape. the big round version is in the 'compass' thingy that geomancers carry around. almost same wordings i think.
this tape actually gives me the creeps. i don't really want to know what it measures besides length of houses/rooms/walls/furniture.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:18 am
oohhh. now i see.
thanks william. strange how you're directed to my blog, and thanks for the offer but i'll pass. no offence but i don't believe in geomancy.
smart imp. see, that's the drawback of being bilingual. you actually understand what the characters mean.
the other half looked at it and went "so?!" i looked and it and only understood some of it. i'll just ask the other half to do the measuring instead of me.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:05 pm
at least your man goes 'so'. not so bad. mine will go 'what language is this in?' or worse..'what's this??'
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:53 pm
haha. that's true. =p
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:08 pm