Went for a talk this afternoon and was bogged down by this word... epistemological. I always knew my england wasn't good. Anyway, a friend and myself were trying to second guess its meaning.
Came back and checked it up on Merriam-Webster.
Main Entry: epis·te·mol·o·gy
Pronunciation: i-"pis-t&-'mä-l&-jE
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek epistEmE knowledge, from epistanai to understand, know, from epi- + histanai to cause to stand -- more at STAND
: the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity
I get the meaning... I think. Anyway, I don't think I'll use this word again in this lifetime.
Came back and checked it up on Merriam-Webster.
Main Entry: epis·te·mol·o·gy

Pronunciation: i-"pis-t&-'mä-l&-jE
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek epistEmE knowledge, from epistanai to understand, know, from epi- + histanai to cause to stand -- more at STAND
: the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity
I get the meaning... I think. Anyway, I don't think I'll use this word again in this lifetime.
don't bluff!!! you get it??!! i still don't *wah*
i'm sure i was closer to the answer than you rite... haha.
am glad we managed to make the session bit more fun tho :p plus those guys in ur office! they are just too funny...
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:54 am
good thing i got pulled out of it..heh
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:37 pm
wah. is this even in English?!
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:41 am
err...so chim ah? Where did you find this in the 1st place?
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:41 am
ame - The key word is "I think". Hehe. And yes, I think you're closer to the meaning that I was. Something about theory and knowledge, that's all. Sigh, academics. I think the guys in my office are scary. They actually understand the 5 different levels of PBL, but not sure if they actually saw there was a "epis-whatever".
corsage - I think your meeting should have been more interesting. At least you understood what was being said.
Imp - I didn't think so too, till I checked the dictionary.
viv - It was in the notes that they gave out during a talk in office.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:23 am