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Friday, September 30, 2005


Congrats again, to madmoneymonkey on her engagement.

Got a couple of friends who have recently gotten engaged or married, and I think it's always interesting to hear the latest trends in proposing techniques (ok, I admit it. I'm just nosey). For those who wonder about the significance of proposing (even though you've already applied for a flat), I always remember what a friend shared with me. He said the one thing he regretted not doing was to propose to his wife because that's something that cannot be repeated and there's no meaning when you do it in the future. And that's from a guy k?!

Anyway, the recent engagements reminded me of a show I watched recently on TV. The guy in question was going to propose in a fancy resturant and he collaborated with the manager and the chef to put the ring in one of the dimsum they were intending to have for dessert. So the guy brought the girlfriend to the resturant, had a great time and it was time for dessert... and it was all panic in the kitchen. They had arranged the dimsum (containing the ring) on top of the other food but it was all mixed up and they couldn't figure out which was THE dimsum.

In the meantime, the guy is perspiring and the girlfriend is wondering if he's ill. The manager is sent to make small talk with the couple while the chef comes up with an ingenious way to determine which dimsum contains the ring - by weighing them one by one. They then take a chance and assume the heavier ring is THE dimsum.

The end of the story: It is THE dimsum and everyone is happy. As the credit rolls, the manager and chef came to a consensus... to think carefully about these 'projects' before they put themselves through the stress again.

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