tabloid of the day: lindsay lohan in crash

Even though you can't fathom the magnitude of paparazzi interest in you, surely you know there'll be people who'll be trailing you, trying to find out what did you throw in the bin, what you ate for lunch blah blah blah.
It's just not really fair when you endanger other innocent people, just because you're trying to avoid an occupational hazard. The van driver suffered "moderate injuries". And it's definitely not worth it if you end up injured, or worst, dead. This was not her first car crash. A few months ago, a paparazzi reporter intentionally crashed into her car.
Ultimately, perhaps it's the paparazzi at fault. Maybe there should be a worldwide boycott of all tabloids, then they will turn their attention to something more useful, and not risk their lives with these frivalous stuff.
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