Her confession totally caught him off guard. Sure, he had thought she might be the possible one but to hear it from her... What should he do now? A part of him yearns to hold her and protect her, but yet another practical side of him had questions that are impossible to answer.
Darn. He hated it when he's so practical.
Why can't he be like others, and simply throw caution into the wind? Carpe diem, they always say.
Despite all the questions building in his heart and mind, he told her the answer she wasn't looking for. He thought it'll be better if he lets her go while he sorts out his own thoughts and emotions.
Didn't they always say if she's yours, she'll return?
Didn't they also say it's more important to see your loved one happy, even though she's not with you?
He told her under a facade of concern that the other guy was better for her. But he didn't and couldn't anticipate how much it would hurt to see her with him. The mask of false bravado and indifference that has served him well for the past few years had failed him now.
Why is it too late now?
Darn. He hated it when he's so practical.
Why can't he be like others, and simply throw caution into the wind? Carpe diem, they always say.
Despite all the questions building in his heart and mind, he told her the answer she wasn't looking for. He thought it'll be better if he lets her go while he sorts out his own thoughts and emotions.
Didn't they always say if she's yours, she'll return?
Didn't they also say it's more important to see your loved one happy, even though she's not with you?
He told her under a facade of concern that the other guy was better for her. But he didn't and couldn't anticipate how much it would hurt to see her with him. The mask of false bravado and indifference that has served him well for the past few years had failed him now.
Why is it too late now?
People learn through life experiences. The best perspective is often hindsight.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:15 am