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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

blog whore

Ok. I admit it. I'm a blog whore. It sounds nasty but I spent countless nights looking up the thesarus but there's no better word to describe it.

I must have at least 5 blogs but everytime I come across a new platform with seemingly nicer colours or one that espouse its wonderful features, my fingers will automatically click on the "sign up" button. It happens time after time and I've come to a conclusion.

I think I'm blog-commitmentphobic.

This is my new blog on wordpress - http://fuchsiacow.wordpress.com

See ya there.

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gal...do u know abt the blogger Dawn Yang?? I thought she's so chio, apparently she was from the same JC as someone I know...wow should see her b4 and after pics. Humm I'm not helping with ur blog-phillic syndrome =) but check it out. Her surgeon is fantastic

opps i meant heard from someone I know, who was her jc schoolmate...my fren showed me Dawn's b4 pics

yeah. read her blog before she came out on tnp and also the hooha. =)

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