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Thursday, September 29, 2005


I met up with a friend cum my insurance agent (or otherwise known today as a financial planner) who revealed something to me at the end of lunch. He was checking on my insurance plan before he left the office, and realised that I haven't been paying my premium for more than a year!


The worse thing is that it's not the first time. I'm never good with these kind of paying stuff. Spending, no problemo. It's just the paying part. Anyway the nice friend is going to reactivate the giro payment. Thank goodness the plan didn't lapse.

And I also realised I don't have enough for retirement or old age medical insurance. Darn.

I need to also ask my cousin or friend if they can draw up my will.

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eeep..don't like thinking about all these insurance/finance stuff too

Yeah, but have to still... =(

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