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Thursday, October 06, 2005

nice tee

The other half and me came across this some time ago and he absolutely wanted to buy it. I didn't cuz I didn't want the world to think that I'm a dominatrix. Unfortunately he won out.

We marked it as one of the new tee to wear after wedding (some tradition mambo) and obviously never got around to wearing it... till recently.

It's very amusing to me.

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ah. i like the whole idea of the tee!! you mean you actually marked out tees with certain slogans to wear after wedding? so cute!!

you should see the back. it says "never." haha.

no, didn't mark out tees with slogans to wear after the wedding. it's the 'tradition' that you need to wear a set of new clothes on your wedding night (or something like that). i think we just grabbed the nearest tee we could find, and that was it.

hahaha..coming from a person who goes into adult shops to buy WHIPS for colleagues?! *snigger*

hey, who are your boyfriends now that you are married?! heheheheeeeee

shhhh. die already lah. what will people think? hmmm. hehe.

also must shhhh with the boyfriends thing. naughty naughty.

oh my, i'm talking strange.

WHIPS for colleagues??
wah. next time ask me along to have a peek lah. i suaku. never been :p

i want to see the whips tooooOOOOOO!!!!

you all want whips as birthday or christmas pressies? i think if i buy in bulk, i might get a good price for them. =p

hmm. betta wait till the day i get my own place before i stock whips in my room. my parents might flip.

you could pretend it's a belt?

oooo, you want more than ONE whip. haha.

hahaha! i was wondering WAT u were talking about. oops. freudian slip??
wei. your this post ah. the "conversation" could keep going on :p

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