Friday, September 30, 2005 


Went for a talk this afternoon and was bogged down by this word... epistemological. I always knew my england wasn't good. Anyway, a friend and myself were trying to second guess its meaning.

Came back and checked it up on Merriam-Webster.

Main Entry: epis·te·mol·o·gy
Pronunciation: i-"pis-t&-'mä-l&-jE
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek epistEmE knowledge, from epistanai to understand, know, from epi- + histanai to cause to stand -- more at STAND
: the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity

I get the meaning... I think. Anyway, I don't think I'll use this word again in this lifetime.



Congrats again, to madmoneymonkey on her engagement.

Got a couple of friends who have recently gotten engaged or married, and I think it's always interesting to hear the latest trends in proposing techniques (ok, I admit it. I'm just nosey). For those who wonder about the significance of proposing (even though you've already applied for a flat), I always remember what a friend shared with me. He said the one thing he regretted not doing was to propose to his wife because that's something that cannot be repeated and there's no meaning when you do it in the future. And that's from a guy k?!

Anyway, the recent engagements reminded me of a show I watched recently on TV. The guy in question was going to propose in a fancy resturant and he collaborated with the manager and the chef to put the ring in one of the dimsum they were intending to have for dessert. So the guy brought the girlfriend to the resturant, had a great time and it was time for dessert... and it was all panic in the kitchen. They had arranged the dimsum (containing the ring) on top of the other food but it was all mixed up and they couldn't figure out which was THE dimsum.

In the meantime, the guy is perspiring and the girlfriend is wondering if he's ill. The manager is sent to make small talk with the couple while the chef comes up with an ingenious way to determine which dimsum contains the ring - by weighing them one by one. They then take a chance and assume the heavier ring is THE dimsum.

The end of the story: It is THE dimsum and everyone is happy. As the credit rolls, the manager and chef came to a consensus... to think carefully about these 'projects' before they put themselves through the stress again.

Thursday, September 29, 2005 


I met up with a friend cum my insurance agent (or otherwise known today as a financial planner) who revealed something to me at the end of lunch. He was checking on my insurance plan before he left the office, and realised that I haven't been paying my premium for more than a year!


The worse thing is that it's not the first time. I'm never good with these kind of paying stuff. Spending, no problemo. It's just the paying part. Anyway the nice friend is going to reactivate the giro payment. Thank goodness the plan didn't lapse.

And I also realised I don't have enough for retirement or old age medical insurance. Darn.

I need to also ask my cousin or friend if they can draw up my will.



Thanks to those who informed me the comments on this blog wasn't working. I couldn't figure it out cuz I was using Firefox but apparently you can't see your comments if you're using IE.

Anyway it should be ok now. Simple thing I forgot to disable. Let me know if you have any other problems?


artist impression

Seeing how we were going to move to our new place, and feeling a tad wee bored at home one night, I decided to take on the role of an interior designer.

This was the result...

In case you can't make out the artistic doodles, it's actually my concept of the living room, helicopter view.

As you can probably tell by now, there was a reason why I didn't attempt to make interior designing a career. Anyway, I showed this masterpiece to the other half who laughed his head off, choked down his guffaws and asked me to explain the concept to him. I must say I admire his ability to be serious (ok, it was an attempt) and encouraging, while laughing, all at the same time.

It's not easy, you know.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 

linking up

I’m in the midst of doing up links to some blogs or sites that I like. I might not have asked for your permission to do so if yours is one of those linked. I know sometimes our blogs are just meant for friends and family so I’ll totally understand if you rather not be linked.

Just drop me an email or comment k?



I’m incredibly sleepy today… and that’s bad news cuz of the looming deadlines.


child prostitution

Child Prostitution … (is) cruel because the victimised child dies a slow death or is at least permanently damaged – physically, psychologically and spiritually … war againstchildren who have been induced, lured, coerced or sold into prostitution – a modern form of slavery.”

Dr. Koson Srisang, ECTWT Executive Secretary
Excerpt from “Caught in Modern Slavery”

Wondering how to play your part to stop child sex trafficking? Now you can sign an online petition. Don’t sit back anymore and leave the job to other people. It doesn’t take much from you but might mean a world of change to these children.

For more information, you can refer to UNIFEM on the steps taken to halt child sex trafficking in ASIA.

Monday, September 26, 2005 

you thought...

You said we weren’t there to support you. Maybe we didn’t show it in the way you wanted.

We tried to show our concern but you said we were just asking for the sake of asking, and were being superficial.

We asked you if there’s anything that you wanted to share so we can support each other, but each time you passed the baton along and implied everything is fine and dandy in your life.

You made me feel guilty for not being there.

You made me feel guilty for not asking more.

You made me feel guilty for asking too much.

You made me feel guilty for not knowing what was going on in your life, even though you never wanted to share.

There was a wound you left.

Now when I greet you, you don’t answer me.

On good days, maybe I’m rewarded with a grunt or a side look.

You don’t participate when I ask you questions.

You make unnecessary and sometimes snide remarks to my face and laugh it off as a joke.

You made me doubt myself.

You made me feel silly for being affected by the things you do.

I thought I’ve forgiven you but now I don’t know if I can.

Thursday, September 22, 2005 


For those of you who are looking for nice, customised and unique earrings, you should check neishus out. I think they’re really nice. See it to believe it.



This is really addictive… compliments of The Imp.

Not good for work days at all. Ha.    

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 

airflown penguin

You know you’re still their little girl when your parents buy you a toy penguin as a souvenir from their visit to Philip Island, even though you're just a few years short of the big 3-O.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 

wonders of hindsight

It’s official.

I’m regretting it.

I’m stuck here in office, trying to conjure up logical, sensible and somewhat intelligent sentences and arguments, and failing terribly. I feel like I’m a 12 year old trying to write my essay composition.

It doesn’t help that I’m supposed to be back home for dinner tonight. Now, my mum will just think I’m not making an extra effort to be home early to help out with the cooking and all. And seeing how I can’t be too late home for dinner, and the lack of progress at work, I will have to lug work back home again!

Arrgh. Why?


buck up

Does it mean you’re disinterested in what you’re doing if you keep finding thousand and one things to occupy your hands and mind? Or does it simply mean you have a short attention span? Or is it a sign of an escapism nature? Where you’re leaving the hardest things to the last?

No matter what, I know I’ll regret it at the end of it.

Come on, buck up!


that girl

Inspired by MercerMachine, his post, and others

I am the daughter who you always told me to be more ladylike. I am the daughter who remembered you tried to leave and I am the one who saw you came home with blood all over your face. I am the daughter who was afraid of the dark and had to be accompanied at night.

I am the sister who cried when you said I was fat. I am the sister who will be entertained every afternoon, after school, by your tales of space craft and ghost stories using our soft toys. I am the sister who will sit with you and watch our cartoons every weekday evening @ 6.30pm.

I am the friend who daydreamed with you and stood beside you as you called your crush to offer your condolences. I am the friend who sat beside you at the bus-stop at Bishopgate where your crush lives. I am the friend who never could share anything on my mind but you patiently waited. I am the friend who saw you gave birth to your first child.

I am the girl who was touched when you rode your bicycle all the way from Bukit Merah to Farrer Park. I am the girl who chose to break up when I couldn’t stand the criticisms. I am the girl who thought I had a chance with you, only to have you turn the other way. I am the girl who turned the other way when you came back again. I am the girl who didn’t want to be the third party. I am the girl who thought it was possible but it turned out otherwise.

I am the girl who watched you from afar. I am the girl who thought you liked her, and not me. I am the girl whose heart broke when they said you were chasing after her. I am the girl you talked to every night, when you were in India. I am the girl you have to constantly comfort. I am the girl you held in your arms when I broke down in town because of pressures at work. I am the girl you didn’t give up. I am the girl who decides to spend my life with you.

I am that girl.


a warrior

After a warring fight in the fields, you return victorious.

You’re the hero of the village and you’re off for a round of celebratory drinks. After all the excitement has died down, you finally return to the comforts of your home. You discovered there are a lot of things around the house that needs to be done and as you’re settling down to do them, there’s a call…

You’re needed back at the fields.

I feel like that warrior now.

You’re not exactly looking forward to it because there are so many other things that you need to do, but you also know that when you’re there, you’ll fight your way through to victory.



Just because you don’t take the time to run through the details, and have the initiative to change it doesn’t mean that the idea wouldn’t work. How would you know?


Thursday, September 15, 2005 

rollercoaster ride of the day

Imagine my joy when I opened my email today to see this...

Then I realised it was for today.


Thankfully, it’s not something that I’m dying to watch, like Fantastic Four.